Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Writings Best Kept Secrets

Every profession has its secrets. Ever watch the recently retired Boston Legal? Is it possible for a law firm to collect such a group of emotional misfits and still be successful? Maybe. As consumers do we really want to know that our lawyer has Mad Cow Disease, Aspbergers, or sometimes dresses as Oprah? Not hardly. Instead we want to believe that our lawyer is well put together and ready to fight for us. And the same with our doctors. Do they really know what these particular set of symptoms mean? Maybe not. But will you know it from their demeanor. Nope. They’ve been trained to project self-confidence. I mean, can you imagine them looking back at you with huge eyes, shrugging their shoulders, and saying, "Gosh, I haven’t a clue. Beats me." It wouldn’t be a pretty sight.
_Writers are no different. We too have our secrets. Everyone of us is afraid of that blank page. We’re worried that we have nothing to say. We don’t know how to start that next project. We’re sure every other writer out there is better than we are. Most days we’re sure our best work is behind us. We are scared. We’re supposed to be writers but….
_"You don’t want to write, you want to have written." I heard these words a couple of years into my writing career. I’ve never forgotten them, in fact, I’ve aimed them at other writers. So if you’re worried about getting your words down, relax, and welcome to the club. And by the way you are a writer.

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